2020 TNF100 Ultra Trail Challenge – Taiwan Stage

Gold Museum, New Taipei City Government
  • 報名時間
    2019-10-21 12:00:00
    2020-01-31 23:59:59
  • 項目

2020 Race Rules

1.   Race Information

【Organizer】Biji Enterprise Co. Ltd.

【Race Starting Brand】

【Race date】24 May 2020 (Sunday)

【Race venue】CyuanJi Temple Parking lot,Jinguashi, New Taipei City.

【Start/Finish point】

Race categories



6-Km Beginner

Chuen Ji Hall’s big car park, Jinguashi

6-Km Health / Family

20-Km Advanced Challenge

50-Km Elite

75-Km  International Elite


Race Pack Pick-up Location

  1. Pick-up in person: The North Face Taipei Zhongxiao Flagship Store (No. 226, Section 4, Zhongxiao East Road, Daan District, Taipei City)

    Please bring your ID or passport when collecting in person!






    The North Face Taipei Zhongxiao Flagship Store

    No. 226, Section 4, Zhongxiao East Road, Daan District, Taipei City



  1. Race pack pickup by others at Taipei Flagship Store:

    1) The person must present a valid ID or passport + the “Collection serial number” (both documents are mandatory; for individual and team collection).

    2) Team race pack may be collected by the team leader or any member on behalf of the team. The team race pack can not be divided and collected separately!

    3) All runners will be required to sign the “Collection Form” in Chinese after receiving the race pack.

  1. Race pack delivery by post (Taiwan Only)

No. of people



















【Race Categories and Number of Participants】

6 km Beginner (1500 persons)   20 km Advanced Challenge (750 persons)

50 km Elite (400 persons)        70 km International Elite (200 persons)


2.   Race Schedule


Start time

Gear inspection

Cut-off time

Time limit



5/ 23  


18 hrs





13.5 hrs





10 hrs

6Km Beginners




3 hrs

6Km Health / Family




4 hrs


3. Race Rules

(1) Registration requirements:

  1. 75 km International Elite:
    Competitors must provide the organizer any of the following certificates:
    1. Official Finisher Certificate from any trail running race for 50 km or more completed within the last two years;
    2. ITRA PI score: ITRA450+
  1. 50 km Elite:
    Competitors must provide the organizer any of the following certificates:
    1. Official Finisher Certificate of any trail running race for 25 km or more completed within the last two years;
    2. Official Finisher Certificate of any full road marathon (42.195 KM) or any longer distance in road races completed within the last two years.
  1. 20 km Advanced Challenge:
    Competitors must provide the organizer any of the following certificates:
    1. Official Finisher Certificate of any trail running races for 10 km or longer completed within the last two years;
    2. Official Finisher Certificate of any road half-marathon (21.0975 km) or any longer distance in road races completed within the last two years.

(2) General Rules

  1. 70 km, 50 km and 20 km participants must be age 18 or over on the event day. (Born on or before 24 May 2002)
  2. 6 km participants must have reached be age 6 or older on the event day (born on or before 24 May 2014). Under age participants must be accompanied by a participants over the age of 18 on the event day (born on or before 24 May 2002).
  3. The long course and high difficulty means participants in any race categories must wear suitable sports clothing and running shoes. For safety reasons, participants must wear running shoes. Athletes found running barefoot or with sandals during the race will be disqualified immediately.
  4. Parts of the race course are located in public road sections, and will be subjected to traffic control depending on the current traffic conditions. All competitors must  run within the specified safety zones. Please follow thepolice and volunteer traffic controllers instructions. Competitors should pay attention to their own safety at all times. In case of any physical discomfort during the course, do not continue and please ask for assistance from the near-by volunteers or medical team. Mobile first-aid volunteers will patrol along the race course.
  5. For participants reaching the finishing line with no bib; no records of start, checkpoint, nor finish time in the chip; or no turning point wristband; or those who cannot complete the race within the time limit; their positions and results will not be validated. Finisher medal and certificate will not be awarded in this case. Moreover, in order to maintain the order and quality of the event, the Organizer reserves the right to stop any participant without bib or wristband and to remove the timing chip. All participants are advised to  cooperate and to wear the bib on a visible location . 
  6. When participants reach the finishing line, please follow and complete the following steps : (1) receive the Finisher medal, (2) collect souvenirs, (3) receive the Finisher certificate, (4) return the timing chip.
  7. The results and the winners in each race category will be officially posted in the venue.
     Any disputes concerning the race results should be brought to the attention of the organizer within 30 minutes of announcing the race results. A security deposit of NT$1,000 must be submitted at the service desk for an application of a result review and correction. Late disputes will not be accepted. The official results of all participants will be posted on the Organizer’s website within 7 days after the event.
  8. As a service provided to the athletes, the Organizer will provide a storage zone for personal belongings at the  venue. After the race (before 24 May 18:00), claim your belongings by presenting your bib. Please avoid bringing expensive items or valuables with you. The organiser will not be liable for loss of any belongings.
  9. If the Central Weather Bureau issues a typhoon land warning or a major natural disaster happens, the event must be postponed. The new date will be announced 2 days before the race on the event’s website, FB fan club and Runners forum. The time limit for the new date is a Saturday/Sunday within one month of the race.

    ★ If the race has to be cancelled before the day of event due to inevitable circumstances:

    (1)    If race souvenirs have been produced, souvenirs will be sent. Remaining registration fees will be refunded after deducting the souvenir production expense, transaction fees and registration system related expenses.

    (2)   If race souvenirs have not yet been produced, remaining registration fees will be refunded after deducting any transaction fee and registration system related expense.

  1. Runners can rest, eat and refill their hydration bags with drinking water and food at the supply stations, but it is prohibited to take away the plastic bottles, disposable water containers, disposable tableware, etc. of the drinking water and beverages in the supply station. Please bring your own water bottle or water pack.
  2. Participants must follow the marked race course and pass each checkpoint sensor sequentially. The Organizer advises all  participants to wear a GPS watch with navigation functions, and to download the race course on the official website before the race. If the participant is unsure of the race route during the race, please confirm the route with your navigation device. If a participant fails to follow the race course and misses a checkpoint, a time penalty will be imposed.

     【Time penalty rules】For a participant who has missed a checkpoint, a time penalty will be added to the finish time, which is calculated as follows: the slowest valid completion time between the checkpoints immediately before and after the missed checkpoint (the slowest time among all finishers for this race section), multiplied by 1.1.. If the overall finish time after the addition of the time penalty shall exceed the closing time of that race category, then the participant will be deemed as not completing the race within the specified time limit.
  3. The bib must be worn in the front of the sports clothes, so it can bevisible at all times.  The identity of the runner is determined during the race with the bib and race wristband and losing any one of these will result in disqualification.
  4. A closing time is set for each supply station in the race. This closing time is determined by considering the latest finish time among all participants, and the staying time at the supply station (breaks, drinking, eating, etc.). This closing time will not be delayed due to weather or other factors. Each participant must leave the corresponding supply station before its closing time to continun in the race.
  5. Any participant who decides to stop completely and DNF  the race must report to a crew member of the nearest supply station, or to dial the emergency number printed on the bib and notify the command center staff. First-aiders on the race course will assist the participant to leave the track after the staff has completed the race quitting procedure.
  6. Participants are required to pass a mandatory gear check at race check-in, and must wear mandatory gear during the full race course. Crew members will perform random mandatory gear check. The Organizer may disqualify and stop any participant who is missing any of the mandatory gear.
  7. There is a strict eco-check in this race. Participants are not allowed to bring any  disposable water container or tableware into the race course, including plastic packages, disposable plastic bottles or cans for water and beverages. Participants must cooperate with the Organizer to perform eco-checks. Participants found with such items must leave them in the supply station. Mandatory gear check must be completed before re-entering the race track. Otherwise, the  o rganizer may disqualify and stop any participant.
  8. No littering. Participants must carry all their rubbish to the next supply station. Otherwise, the Organizer may stop and disqualify any participant found guilty of littering. Please look out for the environment and kindly remind other athletes during the race.
  9. Transfer of race registration is strictly forbidden. The parties who transferred the race registration will be held legally liable for any incidents caused during the event  such as medical-aid and insurance claims. Any athlete running with a bib different than his or hers, once verified, will be disqualified from the race, and will be included in the banned list of the TNF100 and the RunForTAIWAN races.
  10. Participants agree to have videos, photos and race  results broadcasted, exhibited or posted on the Organizer’s website and publications anywhere in the world. Participants must also agree to have their portrait and published name and results to be used in race related publicity and activities.The North Face Taiwan will own all media copyrights.
  11. The race Organizer reserves the right to make changes to the rules. Please refer to the updates and announcements made by the Organizer on the day of event.

(3) Mandatory and Recommended Gear

50 km

Race categories

Mandatory Gear

Recommended Gear

75 km

1. Race bib (must have the emergency contact’s phone number)

2.Two timing chips (one is glued to the back of the race bib, and the other has to be placed on a visible location on the backpack)

3. Trail water bottle or hydration pack (with a capacity of at least 500 c.c)

4. Two head lamps and Two sets of spare batteries

5. Trail Running backpack

6. Compass

7. Safety pins

8. Waterproof jacket (light rain jacket is not permitted)

9.Emergency Blanket

10. Mobile phone with a valid Taiwan SIM card, power cable and power bank. In the 50K category, the real-time position tracking app EUP-007 must be installed on the mobile phone. The command centre will only start the race once it can track the position of all participants.

11. Basic medical supplies (e.g. medicated cream, bandages, band aid …)

12. Whistle

13.GPS tracking device (provided before the start of the 70 km race)

14. Food: Energy bars, gels or other easy to carry food, etc. (Assistance from running buddies or crew members is not allowed during the race. Therefore, participants MUST carry their own supplies.)

1. Changes of clothing: T-shirt, sports e pants: (Long running pants or compression running tights are recommended due to the tall vegetation along the mountain trails.), sport shoes, rain jacket, gloves, hat, etc.

2. First-aid Kit: Antacids, Aspirin, Lip Balm, Blister medication, Pain killer, towel, eye drops, antibiotic cream, bandages, band aid.

3.A watch with GPS navigation function.

20 km

1. Race bib (must have the emergency contact’s phone number)

2.Two timing chips (one is glued to the back of the race bib, and the other has to be placed on a visible location on the backpack)

3. Water bottle or hydration pack (with a capacity of at least 500 c.c)

4. Mobile phone with a valid Taiwan SIM     card, power cable and power bank.

5.  Food: Energy bars, gels or others. (Assistance from running buddies or crew members is not allowed during the race. Therefore, participants MUST carry their own supplies.)

6 km

1. Race bib (must have the emergency contact’s phone number)

2. Two timing chips (one is glued to the back of the race bib, and the other has to be worn on a visible location in front of the chest)

3.Simple hand-held bottle is forbidden. Trail water bottle, hydration belt, or hydration pack (with a capacity of at least 500 c.c)

4. Mobile phone with a valid Taiwan SIM card, power cable and power bank.


Points to note:

  1. Assistance from running partners or crew members is not allowed during the race. Participants MUST carry their own supplies!
  2. For all race categories, a gear inspection must be completed before the start of the race! After passing the inspection by the race organizer, the participant will be given an indication to enter the starting area.


(4) Clothing/Gear Storage Service

  1. The Organizer will provide a storage zone for clothing/gear to participants of 75km, 50km, and 20km race. The provided number sticker must be attached to a specified location on the dedicated storage bag for identification purpose. The dedicated storage bag should be handed over to staff at the storage zone before the start of the race. Due to the limited space in the storage zone, storage of belongings other than the dedicated storage bag will not be accepted.
  2. After the race (before 24 May 18:00), claim your belongings by presenting your bib. Belongings that are not collected within the stipulated time, will require participants to contact the Organizer to arrange posting the belongings (postage to be paid by the participant) within one week after the race (31 May). At the end of that period should they remain unclaimed, they shall be deemed to become “unclaimed properties”.
  3. The Organizer will not inspect the items stored in the dedicated storage backpack by the participants. Race organizer will not accept complaints about the status of the relevant items at storage bag collection, and will not be liable for any loss or damage. Please keep valuables with you.

(5) Awards

  1. 2020/5/24 Award presentation time:
    20K 11:00
    50K/75K 16:00
  2. Prize recipients must wear The North Face 100® clothes during the award ceremony.
  3. Top 3 athletes in the 75 km race of each gender division will receive a trophy and the following prize:

    First-prize: TNF product voucher  NT$50,000

    Second-prize: TNF product voucher  NT$40,000

    Third-prize:TNF product voucher  NT$30,000

    ※75 km race finishers will be qualified for public ballot entry of the “2020 TNF 100 Ultra Trail Challenge, Hong Kong”. 3 guaranteed entries will be drawn after the race.

  1. Top 3 athletes in the 50 km race of each gender division will receive a trophy and the following prize:

    First-prize: TNF product voucher  NT$30,000

    Second-prize: TNF product voucher  NT$20,000

    Third-prize:TNF product voucher  NT$10,000

  1. Top 3 athletes in the 20 km race of each gender division will receive a trophy and the following prize:

    First-prize: TNF product voucher  NT$10,000

    Second-prize: TNF product voucher  NT$8,000

    Third-prize:TNF product voucher  NT$6,000

Winners and Special Remarks

  1. According to the tax law of the Republic of China, ROC citizens receiving a cash prize whose value exceeds  NT$20,000 will be subject to a 10% tax deduction. No tax deduction on cash prizes over  NT$1,000 but less than  NT$20,000 in value. However, the Organizer shall still file an individual income tax certificate according to law. Therefore, race winners are required to provide a photocopy of the ID card to the organizer to claim the prize. If they refuse to submit proof of identity or refuse the 10% tax deduction, their prizes will be deemed as forfeited. For non ROC citizen winners, (i.e. nationals (including mainlanders) or foreigners who have lived in the territory of the Republic of China for less than 183 days in the tax year),  regardless of the value of the prizes, there will be a 20% tax deduction. Therefore, race winners are required to provide a photocopy of the residence permit to the Organizer to claim the prize. If they refuse to submit proof of identity or refuse to pay 20% tax deduction, their prizes will be deemed as forfeited.
  2. The value of redeemed products shall not exceed the face-value of the product voucher. The value of redeemed products shall be calculated based on the price tags.
  3. TNF product voucher can only be redeemed once.

(6) Penalty Rules

    Violations of any of the following race rules can receive a time penalty or be disqualified. Any penalty or disqualification is determined by the organizing committee. Violation categories are as follows:

  1. Intended violation behaviour:

    1) Purposely block the way to other athletes.

    2) Non-compliance with a referee’s instructions.

    3) Verbally or physically insult to any referees.

    4) Not following the race route.

    5) Receive external assistance.

    6) Refuse inquiries or inspections of medical staff.

  1. Violations in use of race bib:

    1)  Race result will be void if the bib is not displayed during the race.

    2) 2 min time penalty for not wearing the bib as required (including cutting the bib, modifications, and not wearing both bibs).

  1. Environment destructions:

    1) Destructive behaviour against the ecological environment.

    2) Littering along the route.

  1. Time penalty, disqualification or results invalidation:

    1)  Behaviour  against sports ethics.

    2) Refuse to follow referees’ instructions.

    3) Make fraudulent complaints.

    4) Deliberately disrupting the order of the race.

    5) Deliberately remove or change the signs in the race course.

    6) Deliberately damage race equipment.

    7) Gain benefits via rule violations, or affecting other athletes.

    8) Race clothing violates logo regulations.

  1. Penalties for race rule violations

    1)  Absence of timing chip will result in no time record and disqualified result.

    2) Not passing the timing mat at the checkpoint during the race. Once verified by a referee, if it is determined that the checkpoint has been passed, a time penalty of 2 min; if the checkpoint has not been passed, the race result will be void.

  1. Continue the race after checkpoint closing.
  2. Substitute race participation - giving the bib to another person or using other’s bib.

(7) Insurance

  1. Only necessary emergency medical care will be provided on-site.  Any illness or syndrome resulted from participant’s personal underlying illness will not be covered by the insurance policy. Public accident insurance will only cover damages caused by accidents. The Organizer will provide public accident insurance coverage of NT$30 million for each race participant. (All details are subject to the insurance contract of the insurance company.)
  2. Public Accident Insurance Coverage:

    When any of the following accidents happen during the insurance period, causing body injury, death, or property damage of a third party, we will pay those sums that the insured becomes legally obligated to pay as damages:

    (1) An accident happens to the insured party or his/her employees due to running on the race route as specified in the insurance contract.

    (2) An accident happens to the insured party due to the buildings, passages, machines or other work objects of the race route.

  1. Exclusions:

    (1) Personal disease causing sports injury.

    (2) Symptoms due to individual health or cardiovascular conditions, such as shock, heart disease, diabetes, heat exhaustion, heat stroke, altitude sickness, epilepsy, dehydration, etc. Personal underlying illness are not covered, and public accident insurance will only cover damages caused by accidents.

  1. In the event of having a medical history of diseases described in 3(2), the participant is advised to carefully consider his/her own safety,  and to insure an additional personal accident insurance.

    ※  If you have any of the following  health conditions or diseases, you are at high risk of sudden death. Please consult your doctor for professional judgment and refrain from taking on undue risk by participating in the race.

    (1) Discomfort in chest (chest pain, chest tightness) for unknown reasons (2) Difficulty in breathing for unknown reasons (3) Feeling dizzy for unknown reasons (4) Sudden loss of consciousness (5) High blood pressure (>140/90mmHg) (6) Heart disease (7) Renal function impairment (8) Diabetes (9) Hyperlipidaemia (total cholesterol > 240 mg/Dl) (10) Health / Family history of heart disease (first-degree relatives had a heart attack or sudden death before the age of 60) (11) epilepsy (12) Recent cold symptoms

  1. In addition to the aforementioned basic public accident insurance purchased by the Organizer for each race participant and staff member, we recommend participants to purchase personal accident insurance with higher insured amount and greater coverage.

(8) Scoring Rules

The race has been awarded the following ITRA points:
✦ 75K division - 4 points
✦ 50K division - 3 points

If you already have an ITRA account, you may submit or amend your final race results with ITRA through EMAIL (service@irunner.com; specify the English name that you used to register the race). Remember to submit your results to avoid missing out on the opportunity to accumulate points.

4. Race Routes

  (1) Race course

  1. Course area: Districts Rueifang, Shuangxi, Pingxi, Shiding, and Gongliao in New Taipei City.
  2. Race course details: download from Trace de Trail.
  3. Download course GPX file: 6 km, 20 km, 50 km, 70 km

    **”Please be advised and agree to the following conditions before you register: Weather conditions can affect the route. For safety reasons, courses might be modified in minor manner before or during the event. In case of any eventualities the race organizer has the authority for final decisions”. Participants are requested to proceed on the race day according to the instructions of track staff and guiding boards (banners).

  4. Race course of the Categories
【75 km Category】

Time limit:18 hrs

Actual distance: 74.4 km

Elevation Gain: 4,060m/4,060m

 【50 km Category】

Time limit: 13.5 hrs

Actual distance: 50.6 km

Elevation Gain: 3,340m

【20 km Category】

Time limit:10 hrs

Actual distance: 23.1 km

Elevation Gain: 1,770m

【6 km Category】

Time limit: Beginner Category time limit 3 hrs/ Health / Family Category time limit 4 hrs

Actual distance: 5.9 km

Elevation Gain: 490m

(2) Checkpoint Information



Supply/First Aid


Cumulative Distance (Km)

Closing time



CyuanJi Temple Parking Lot




5/24 8:00(14:00)

Water station

Geopark Trail






Geopark Trail






CyuanJi Temple Parking Lot




5/24 11:00(18:00)



Supply/First Aid


Cumulative Distance (Km)

Closing time



CyuanJi Temple Parking Lot




5/24 7:00

Water station-1

Jinshan Fude Temple






Chintzupei Trail Intersection





Water station-2

Jinshan Fude Temple






Caiguangliao Mountain/Diao Mountain Historic Trail




5/24 14:00

Water station-3

CaoShan Defense Road Intersection






CyuanJi Temple Parking Lot




5/24 17:00



Supply/First Aid


Cumulative Distance (Km)

Closing time



CyuanJi Temple Parking Lot




5/24 4:30

Water station-1

Jinshan Fude Temple






Menghuan Temple Entrance





Water station-2

Menghuan Temple Entrance






Houtong Station





Water station-3

Jinshan Fude Temple






Caiguangliao Mountain/Diao Mountain Historic Trail




5/24 14:00


Caoshan Radar Station





Water station-4

CaoShan Defense Road Intersection






CyuanJi Temple Parking Lot




5/24 18:00




Supply/First Aid


Cumulative Distance (Km)

Closing time



CyuanJi Temple Parking Lot




5/24 0:00

Water station-1

CaoShan Defense Road Intersection






Zhaobei Temple






Taizi Temple





Water station-2

CaoShan Defense Road Intersection






Menghuan Temple Entrance





Water station-3

Menghuan Temple Entrance






Houtong Station





Water station-4

Shumeiping Lookout






Shumeiping Lookout






Chintzupei Trail Intersection





Water station-5

Jinshan Fude Temple






Caiguangliao Mountain/Diao Mountain Historic Trail




5/24 15:00


Caoshan Radar Station




5/24 16:30

Water station-6

CaoShan Defense Road Intersection






CyuanJi Temple Parking Lot




5/24 18:00



5. Registration method

  (1) Race Participation Eligibility:

  1. 75 km, 50 km and 20 km participants must have reached age 18 on the event day. (Born on or before 24 May 2002)
  2. 6 km participants must have reached age 6 on the event day (born on or before 24 May 2014). Participants under 18 years old must be accompanied by another participant over the age of 18 on the event day (born on or before 24 May 2002).
  3. In good health. No history of high blood pressure, heart disease, or other diseases where strenuous exercise should be avoided.

  (2) Registration fee

  1. Super Fan registration period: 2019/10/21 12:00 ~ 2019/11/03 24:00
  2. Early Birds registration period: 2019/11/04 00:00 ~ 2019/12/01 24:00
  3. Standard registration period: 2019/12/02 00:00 ~ 2020/01/31 24:00


75K  International Elite

50K Elite

20K  Challenge

6K Beginner

6K Health / Family







Super Fan






Early Birds













  1. Athletes will be provided with a timing chip with sensor video recording. An extra NT$100 deposit must be paid upfront and it will be returned after the race upon returning the timing chip.
  2. GPS tracking device will be provided in the 70 km race. An extra NT$10,000 deposit will be collected at race check-in. The deposit will be returned after the race when the device is returned. The deposit must be paid by credit-card. Cash will not be accepted.

  (3) Registration Discounts

  1. Super Fan / Early Bird Discount: Enjoy an immediate discounted price for purchases of selected models of “2020 The North Face Outdoor Training Footwear”. (Announce uniformly on 3 March 2020. Email and offer newsletter will be sent to the electronic mailbox and mobile phone provided during registration).
  2. Team Registration Discount:

    (1) Registered teams of 20 runners or more will receive a customized commemorative team bib, one dedicated rest tent for every 20 ~ 30 people, team tags and one customized team TNF100 commemorative banner.

    (2) “Register 10 get 1 free”: team registration with 10 runners of more (at least 11) will have the registration fee for 1 person waived (the person with the lowest registration fee).

    For example: 11 persons team registration, 1 person waived; 22 persons team registration, 2 persons waived; and so on.

    *Once the eligibility of all team members has been confirmed, the discounted registration fees will be refunded on 1 June 2020 to the team leader’s bank account. If the team size falls below 11 persons for any reason, then the “register 10 get 1 free” discount will be cancelled automatically.

  (4) Participant Gear



Race clothing

Race bib

Tracking chip

75 km

50 km

20 km

6 km

  (5) Finisher Souvenir



Finisher clothing

Finisher medal

TNF sports towel

TNF drawstring bag

75 km

50 km

20 km


6 km



  (6) Athlete Clothing Design and Sizing

Clothing design will be announced soon..

Athlete clothing - 1 piece, US Size (RRP: $1,680 each)

Product feature: FLASHDRY Moisture Absorption Perspiration Fabric

*(Be aware that all clothing will be in US sizes and they are larger than standard Asian sizes. Participants should use the size chart to select clothing that will fit them.)

Size chart(US)





























Body length

26 1/8

26 3/4

27 3/8


28 7/8

29 7/8

Sleeve length

15 1/2


16 1/2


17 3/4

18 1/2


  (7) Registration Eligibility and Verification

  1. Registration eligibility

    (1)    75 km registration eligibility: Competitors must provide the organizer any of the following certificates:

    1. Official Finisher Certificate of any trail running race for 50 km or more completed within the last two years;
    2.  ITRA PI score: ITRA450+
  2. (2)   50 km registration eligibility: Competitors must provide the organizer any of the following certificates:

    1. Official Finisher Certificate of any trail running race for 25 km or more completed within the last two years;
    2. Official Finisher Certificate of any full road marathon (42.195 KM) or any longer distance in a road race completed within the last two years.
  3. (3)   20 km  registration eligibility: Competitors must provide the organizer any of the following certificates:

    1. Official Finisher Certificate of any trail running races for 10 km or longer completed within the last two years;
    2. Official Finisher Certificate of any road half-marathon (21.0975 km) or any longer distance in a road race completed within the last two years.
  1. Eligibility Verification

    (1)  Participants should upload an authentic and valid result certificate for verification. The Organizer will verify the authenticity of the certificate. Participants with forgery certificates will be placed on the ban list, and his/her race registration in any form will not be accepted in the future.

    (2)   After passing the verification, the Organizer will notify the participant by email.

    (3)  Participants who fail the eligibility verification may change the registration category or to re-upload a result certificate, and apply for a re-verification.

  (8) Registration

  1. Registration method

    (1)   Race participants should either visit the TNF100 race official website (http://www.北面.tw/2020TNF100/info.html), or I-runner registration webpage (https://baoming.irunner.com.tw/2020TNF100) for registration.

    (2)   The participant quota for the 75 km race is 200, 50 km is 400, 20 km is 750, and 6 km is 1,500.

    (3)   Registration begins on 21 Oct 2019 at 12:00.  Spots are limited and no further registrations will be accepted once the quota is full.

  1. Registration process

    (1)   Visit TNF100 race official website (http://www.北面.tw/2020TNF100/info.html), or visit I-runner registration webpage (https://baoming.irunner.com.tw/2020TNF100) to register. Fill in the registration details according to the hints on the web pages.

    (2)  Participants are required to fill in their English name. Please use the same as your ITRA profile. After the race, the organizing committee will submit the results in the format as filled in by the participant, to link the participant's ITRA account.

    (3)   Eligibility verification: The Organizer will verify the eligibility of participants in the 75 km, 50 km and 20 km race categories respectively in accordance with registration eligibility.

    (4)   Eligibility confirmation: After registration, fee payment, and result certificate verification, the Organizer will reply to the participant per e-mail to complete the registration procedure (Result verification is not required for the 6 km race category. Completion of registration and fee payment is sufficient); If an email is not received, you may visit the registration website “Edit order” to confirm the success of the registration.

    (5)  Please assess your own fitness before registering on any category. Once the registration procedure is completed, any change of name or race category for any reason is not allowed. Transfer of race registration is strictly forbidden. The parties found transferring the race registration will be held responsible for insurance claims and legal liability in case of any accidents. Those with an incomplete registration will not be eligible to race participation.

    If the national ID card (the foreigner is a passport) that was filled in at the time of registration does not match the previous capital, the ID card (the foreigner will use the passport) will be subject to the previous one. Pacers and support runners are strictly prohibited.

    In the event of any difference between the personal information provided in the registration and that on the ID card or passport , the personal information on the ID card  or passport shall prevail.

  (9) Refund requests:

  1. Refund system:

    (1)    For race withdrawal after registration has been completed and fees paid, please provide information such as the bank name, bank code, branch name, account number and account name,  and go to the Refund page for a refund application.

    (2)   Refund applications made before 31 Jan 2020, 24:00 will be refunded in full after deducting a  NT$200 handling fee + bank transfer fee (NT$30). Bank transfer fee will be waived for payment made by credit cards.

    (3)   Refund applications made before 24 Feb 2020, 18:00 will be refunded 70% of the paid amount after deducting  NT$100 handling fee + bank transfer fee (NT$30)

    (4)  No refunds will be accepted after 24 Feb 2020.

    (5)  All refunds will be transferred to the accounts specified by the applicants on 1 Jun 2020.

    Note: Due to limited spots available, we encourage to complete the registration before the quota is reached. If the quota is full before the registration deadline, no further registration will be accepted thereafter. Registration details and payment should be completed before the given deadline to avoid missing the opportunity of race participation.

    For any inquiries, please click and visit TNF100 LINE 官方. where our staff will be available to help you.

6. Personal Information Protection Act and Portrait Right

In accordance with the provisions of Article 8 (1) of the Personal Information Protection Act, the organizer of the TNF100 Taiwan Ultra-Trail Challenge would like to inform you of the following matters, please read:

  1. Data collection purpose: for the organization of the 2020 TNF100 Taiwan Ultra-Trail Challenge event and for insurance application.
  2. Personal information collected: name, ID card number, contact number, address, ID card, Email address, photo, video, etc.
  3. Time period, areas, parties and way of the use of personal information
    1. Time period: Within the storage period of specific purpose; or the retention period in accordance with the relevant laws/contracts; or the retention period in line with the operational needs of the Organizer.
    2. Area: Promotion area of this event
    3. Parties:
       Authorized Organizer or Co-organizer of this event; correspondent bank of the Organizer; service providers of the Organizer; receivers of international transmission which is not prohibited by laws, regulations and the authority; investigative authority or financial supervisory institutions; Sales or cooperation partners of the Organizer.
    4. Way of use: by way of automatic or non-automatic measures
  4. According to Article 3 of the Personal Information Protection Act, you may exercise the following rights with regard to your personal information stored by the Organizer:
    1. inquire, request for a review or make duplications of the personal information. However, the Organizer may charge necessary handling fee to cover the cost.
    2. request to supplement or correct the personal information. However, you shall give an appropriate statement of the reasons and facts for such request.
    3. request the Organizer to discontinue collecting, processing or using the personal information, or request its deletion. However, when it is necessary for the performance of an official duty or fulfilment  of a legal obligation, your request shall not be discarded.
  5. The impact of the rights of not providing your personal data: you may choose at your own discretion whether or not to provide relevant personal data. In the case that you decide not to provide the relevant personal data, the Organizer will not be able to conduct the necessary review and processing procedure, as a result not being able to complete event related operations such as registration, scoring, awarding, news media. By informing you of the above matters, you have clearly understood the purpose and use of the Organizer for the collection, processing, and use of your personal data.
  6. You agree to authorize the Organizer, and the parties designated by the Organizer, to use your portrait, audio, and video in advertising related media (including but not limited to the official website, Facebook, blogs, etc.); to publicly use, utilize, and sell the aforementioned audio, video and photos. You also abandon civil claims and the rights in criminal procedure of the aforementioned audio, video and photos against the Organizer and parties designated by the Organizer.